Cost-of-war counter

I would have posted this over on Lumpenlogogracy, but for some reason I’m having trouble signing in there. I happened across this site this afternoon that counts the cost to US taxpayers of the war in Iraq and calculates for you how much that would buy in kids’ health insurance, public education, college scholarships and… Continue reading Cost-of-war counter

My Nuclear Winter

In a previous post, I gave a bit of my personal Cold War history, and argued (quietly) that despite the end of the Cold War, nuclear weapons still posed a greater threat to this country (and the world) than terrorism, and that we should pay more attention to on-going arms-control efforts. This post is the… Continue reading My Nuclear Winter

My Nuclear Winter (Prologue)

I have been thinking recently, for reasons I can’t quite identify, about nuclear weapons. Perhaps it’s because, as this website points out, of the way some Christmas decorations resemble MIRV warheads. Perhaps it’s also the beginning of a new year of the ‘War on Terror’ (or ‘Global Struggle Against Violent Extremism,’ as the White House… Continue reading My Nuclear Winter (Prologue)